

Held in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and other fine institutions.

Praise for INANIMATE

…splendid work, a masterpiece of design, printing and overall conception. The subject itself in tune with the continuing news on the latest Extinction. A meditation on the passage of spirit or passage failure from animalanimal to humananimal and back, the latter documenting so many abject sins. I am quite simply dazzled..

– Nathaniel Tarn

Poet, Essayist, Anthropologist, and Publisher
Author of Gondwana and Other Poems


Inanimate is eloquent, speaking from back alleys, shopping centers, water tanks and bathroom walls, where animals are present but almost invisible, and truly inanimate. The crisis of species loss is all around us, if we choose to see it. Where once there was birdsong and cougar cries and the howl of wolves, now there is the silence of plastic and paint and rusting steel. Once a part of the animate world, humans are becoming the lonely, orphaned animal.

– Zoe Krasney

Voices for Biodiversity


Inanimate: A Field Guide to Wild Animals in Civilization, by Dan and Ellen Plunkett, is a reverse look at what used to be called the Animal Kingdom, a field guide turned on its head, with piquant facts about each animal and a compendium of beautiful color photographs, startling in their familiarity, as we tour the ways we now encounter wild animals: corralled as ornaments or oddities, stuffed and displayed in rooms, delightful as signs or games, all their power and terror diminished, to the planet’s and our own impoverishment .

– Sabra Moore

Artist, author of Openings: A Memoir of the Women’s Art Movement, New York City, 1970-1992, New Village Press, 2016.



/in’anemet/ adjective
not alive, especially not in the manner of animals and humans.
“inanimate objects like stones”
showing no sign of life; lifeless.

— Merriam-Webster